Marie’s Journey
Hi there. I’m a mom of 2 that is passionate about giving my family a homegrown and homemade life. At Frugal Family Farms we garden, raise animals, homeschool and share the lessons of this amazing life with our kids.
I’ve never thought of myself as a homesteader although that seems to be the term these days for someone who grows their own food, raises and butchers their own animals, cooks most things from scratch, preserves food for the lean times, eats seasonally, hangs clothes on a clothesline and homeschools their children. However, I do come from a long line of crazy gardeners and enthusiastic canners. I didn’t grow up living this extreme of a homesteader lifestyle, but I did grow up in a very small town, eating raw vegetables from my grandparents’ garden and running wild in woods. We lived life as frugally as possible back then because there wasn’t a lot of money to spare.
Fast forward 15 years to the birth of my first child and I transitioned from working outside the home to a homemaker and mom. I suddenly had more time to garden and preserve, my husband built me a greenhouse for my first Mother’s Day gift and I’m still using it today. I spent several years selling vegetables at a Farmer’s Market and delivering vegetables and eggs to my CSA customers all while toting the kids along. For now, I only garden for my family, to preserve for the off season and am continuously adding to my self-sufficient lifestyle by raising some of our own meat, baking bread, homeschooling kids and a million other things that seem to consume my days.
As a family we are always learning new things, figuring out how to make something cheaper or more resilient and sharing that knowledge with others. The sense of empowerment and confidence that comes with these old-fashioned skills is essential in the uncertain world. I hope you stick around, learn something new and have fun along the way.
Start Homesteading
- From Scratch
- Homemade
- Beekeeping
- Dinner
- Canning
- Growing

Discover a World of Homesteading Knowledge
in Our Freebie Library
We invite you to explore our Freebie Library, a treasure trove of resources designed to enrich your homesteading adventure. This exclusive collection, available at no cost, is packed with informative guides, how-to manuals, recipe collections, and much more, all crafted to support and inspire your homesteading journey.

From starting a vegetable garden and raising chickens to preserving food and crafting homemade goods, each post is a chapter of my ongoing adventure. But this blog isn’t just about what I do; it’s about what we can learn together. It’s a space for sharing knowledge, inspiring each other, and building a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for a simpler, more sustainable way of life.
So, whether you’re an experienced homesteader, an aspiring green thumb, or simply curious about this way of life, I invite you to join me on this journey. Let’s learn, grow, and thrive together in our pursuit of a more grounded and gratifying existence.
Welcome to my homesteading journey – where every day is an opportunity to cultivate happiness from the ground up.
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Introducing my new Book
Grounded Roots
Laying the Foundations of Your Homestead Dream
This book serves as a comprehensive roadmap, taking readers through the crucial stages of establishing their own homestead. Beginning with the fundamentals of selecting the right land, the book delves into the essentials of sustainable living, from growing organic produce to raising livestock and implementing renewable energy sources.

Start Homesteading
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Grow Your own Food
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Cook from Scratch
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